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Easter sans boiled eggs and bunnies

Our Savior Jesus Christ was nailed to a cross and crucified in the most horrid way imaginable the Roman world had instituted to punish and shame the convicted. A crucifixion. He died on the cross. His body was taken down and the women prepared him for burial. He was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. Roman soldiers guarded the stone of the tomb so no one could steal the body and claim false resurrection.

One the third day, the miracle of the resurrection of Our Savior Jesus happened despite the Roman soldiers and the hatred of the Sanhedrin. A divine miracle. One divined before the creation of the World. Jesus forever has the keys to death and Hades and He, having lived and died sinless paid the price for all the sins of all believers- all believers past, all believers present, and all future believers, who are called to be the sons and daughters of the Almighty God.

I raise the question of Truth. Please read on. I was blessed to have the role of Mary Magdalene role in an Easter play four years ago. The play was written and directed by Rev. Lisa Payton of the Amity Methodist Church. I will share two excerpts from the play, the part of Mary Magdalene and the second part that of the Roman soldier.


(Mary Magdalene) "You can't really say we rested yesterday, It would be more appropriate to say we did everything we could to keep ourselves calm. Jesus was so special to us. Having to wait an entire day before going to take care of His precious body - that was the longest day of my life. But now we are prepared, up, and on our way to the tomb to do our duty, to move toward an end of this pain and sadness. [She lifts her head in defiance of the sadness.] This is a new day, I won't dwell on the darkness. {Fade out]


(Roman Soldier) [Arrogantly strides in. Speaks with callousness and hatred] "I was there the night He was arrested. I even witnessed a miracle - one of my comrades had his ear taken off, then He touched it and the ear was fine. But it didn't matter. I thought to myself, "How could someone said to have so much power be so weak?" [Contempt} He did nothing to stop us. And when His followers realized He would not protect Himself or them, [Brief pause] they fled. [Remains straight, and defiant, but eyes look over at Peter, then down] I beat Him. I mocked Him. I waited for His pleas of mercy. I crowned Him, with a crown of thorns, and as the [Raises hand to side of face and sign fingers as if raining] blood trickled down His brow, I stared into His eyes looking for defeat. [Flustered, but angry] But, but I saw no fear... no hatred,,, no weakness. Only pity. [With building rage] Pity for me. And it infuriated me!! The darkness came, and the sun stopped shining. I heard Him release His spirit and my partner praised God. Not me. [Fearful, but with power] It wasn't until the stone was heaved away from the mouth of the tomb, only then did I know fear. I sank to the ground as a dead man. The one who I had tortured and executed was leaving the tomb I sealed. I was certain He would destroy me for all I had done. [Quiet, long pause] He had conquered sin and death. But my bosses, it was the same as ever... an extra pay check for my silence. [Picks up coins from the floor] And even more to say someone stole the body. I know the truth, but what shall I do with it? [He moves to the choir loft and is seated.][Fade out}

And that is the question. The Truth, what shall we, you the reader and me the writer, do with it?

P.S. 2018, April 1,

I decided to stop my participation in carnival-style church festivities of egg hunts and bunny baskets due to my experience in the re-enactment of the death, crucifixion, and resurrection of my Savior Jesus Christ. I will not be a pagan nor will I be a hypocrite. I will tell the Truth and live by truth, so help me God.

Me, the writer.

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