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more Rubies in the shadows

Loneliness wastes a lot of time because the mind is divided and cannot succinctly choose a path and stick to it. I should know, I have been struggling with this. It's got me searching, reaching, and studying in efforts to stay sane, loving, and hope-filled.

Never Give Up! says the cover of the new red journal I bought recently. So, loneliness is a plague in our society, like a disease it separates, disconnects, isolates, causes mental, emotional, and physical pain. Sometimes, resulting in illness.

Ruby #1

Admit I am lonely. Get honest and face it.

Ruby #2

Admit something is wrong. As a child of God - I am not empty nor alone.

Ruby #3

Admit that my present course of action has not eliminated my lonely feelings. Guess what? Only a relationship with God can fill this hole in my heart. Not TV, not another date, not a drink, not a drug, not a fix of any kind - just My Creator. Oh, lucky me. Some days, I am grateful, but sometimes like today, loneliness stinks and physical fixes seem a lot closer than practicing spirituality and walking by Faith. In the words of Our Lord - "Get thee behind me, Satan!"

Ruby #4

Be careful not to get dragged back into a lifestyle that did not work before. Enough said. Pretty clear.

Ruby #5

Cultivate a new friendship with a Godly friend. This kind of friend uplifts, is genuine, acts Christ-like, and follows Jesus. In my life, I have met very few for they are rare and priceless. We can all name that special someone who influenced our life for good.

Ruby #6

Get into service. There is no better remedy than helping someone else when I hurt. Keep it simple and ask God for direction in this.

Ruby #7

The devil will try to trip me up, so when SIN comes into my life- right there- repent and ask forgiveness immediately from God.

Ruby #8

Just remember, when God stops me in relationships- He is saving me from disaster!

Ruby #9

What is true for me is true for my children and my grandchildren.

Life is so entwined. Let's all of us keep our eyes open and our hearts sensitive to the heart of God. May we all meet in Heaven.

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