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Her name was Candy, but we called her 'Snow White'

In the midst of a culturally diverse sportswear manufacturing plant, God placed an angel. Her name was Candy, but everyone called her 'Snow White'.

Candy was a Christian believer and missionary that came to California. She was hired at the factory where I worked as an artist. She worked in the silk screen department with a group of huge Samoans. Of course, ther were the first to hit on her and ask her for dates. She was tall and pretty, very fair with brown eyes and brown hair. She was not put off by them, she simply used the bantering to tell them about Jesus and His love for them. It soon became known throughout the factory floor, that Snow White did not put up with any off color jokes or comments and she was not a party girl.

Candy was well liked, and I even liked her though I was in a different group, the druggies and drinkers, as it was several years preceding the time I got saved and eventually sober. But I watched her from afar and wondered at her boldness, her courage, and genuine friendliness she showed the women and men alike.

She had the stencil art room buzzing around her with smiles, the big Samoans cussed less, dressed cleaner, and worked with happier conversations. They became her protectors and if anyone, man or woman, made a derogatory comment about Snow White, they defended her! There is a shining spirit in those who carry God inside and it just bubbles out. This attracts some people and makes others angry.

Recalling the memory of my working at the factory was triggered in listening to the podcast 'The Price of Popularity' by Charles Stanley, 1/31/18. He told the story of King David and how unpopular David was with King Saul. King Saul was intensely jealous of David, to the point of trying to kill him, but Saul's son, Jonathan, befriended David because David was a man of great character.

Men and women of character stand out in a crowd, even in factories. I sensed the remarkable difference in Candy and saw her love for all people around her. The name of Snow White fit on many levels.

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